Veterans for America First

NC VFAF State Chapter carries national endorsement of Mark Robinson for Governor


Mark Robinson , the front-runner , is an Army Veteran. “Robinson was elected the state’s first Black lieutenant governor in 2020 in his first run for political office, Robinson would make similar history if he wins the governorship” said Butch Conz NC VFAF State Chapter President.

“Robinson is a Conservative Christian, a good friend of Veterans and a good man.  He represents the next generation of Republicans willing to fight back against the Liberal Marxist Agenda of the Left” said Stan Fitzgerald Veterans for Trump national president.

Jared Craig announced this national endorsement at the Faith Over Fear Rally in Loganville, Georgia on May 13, 2023. “Mark Robinson will fight for Conservative Christian values as Governor of North Carolina and preserve the rights granted to us by God and acknowledged in the Constitution of the United States.” – said Jared Craig, Veterans For Trump Georgia state chapter president.

