Veterans for America First

Margaret Ackiss named VFAF North Carolina state chapter operations director.


Margaret Ackiss is a dedicated lifelong Republican and a staunch America First proponent. She proudly hails from rural Murphy, North Carolina. Margaret proudly represents her deep-rooted North Carolinian heritage, being a 10th generation native. Margaret has an undergraduate degree from West Virginia University, a graduate degree from the University of South Alabama and works professionally as a technology expert. Her passion for public service and advocacy is deeply rooted in her upbringing as the daughter and sister of United States Navy, United States Air Force, and United States Coast. Guard decorated veterans. Her firsthand experience as a former USMC spouse further solidified her appreciation for these values and the United States military.

Margaret has been an active member of the NCGOP District 11 Executive Committee serving as the former District Secretary and the Cherokee County NCGOP, serving as the former Vice Chair, Precinct Chair and delegate demonstrating her commitment to shaping the political landscape. Her leadership shines through her role as North Carolina’s Lt. Governor Mark Robinson’s District Captain for “Robinson for Governor,” showcasing her dedication to upholding cherished values and ideals. Margaret serves as an appointee on the Needs and Services Advisory Committee for Cherokee County, North Carolina, at the pleasure of the Cherokee County Commissioners. Her concentrated efforts on rural broadband, workforce and workforce housing development underscore her commitment to addressing critical issues within her community.

Additionally, Margaret is respected as political pundit and a powerful presence in North Carolina conservative politics leveraging her social media platforms to engage and advocate for North Carolina conservatism and President Donald Trump. Her unwavering dedication to preserve conservatism exemplifies her commitment to driving meaningful conversations and effecting change, both locally and beyond.

